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Thassos is much greener than most Greek islands, with the tones varying across the pines, the silvery grey-green olive trees and the green and purple of wild thyme. Bright yellow broom blossom lines much of the roadside while oregano, wild peppermint and herbal tea can be found on the slopes of the hills and mountains. Given a spot of rain, field mushrooms spring up in the olive groves while the locally prized piperites mushrooms lurk under the pines.


The beaches, long and sandy or little coves, lace the islands coastline and offer a variety of options to cover everyones taste. Many beaches are organised with sunbeds, bars and plenty of water activities, from windsurfing to "banana" rides and parachuting behind a speed boat. Others can be found which are relatively unfrequented and quiet. The sea is clean, crystal clear and usually a turquoise blue which takes your breath away.


The island also has a very beautiful "interior" to enchant you with. The pine and olive covered slopes and mountains offer the walker, climber, painter, photographer, in short any lover of nature the opportunity to truly get away from it all. A riding stable and mountain bike rentals in neighbouring villages provide alternative ways to discover the beauty of the island.

We will let the photographs below do the rest of the talking!

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